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First Foray

Today we played our first proper game of Silver Tower, unfortunately we had no way of taking pictures and it did end up being a bit of a disaster. however it was fantastic!

To begin with we had three heroes, The Chaos Chieftain, the Dwarf Slayer and the Darkelf. We heroically made it through the entrance. we went into the first passage where we stepped on a trap and a blade came skimming through the air and caused three wounds on the Dwarf. We then proceeded through to the next room where we stumbled upon the final boss and his very tough minions who cruelly chopped us up!

Second attempt we fared much better. This time our party was made up of the same group with the addition of the High Elf Mistweaver, this combination fared much better as did our luck. We smashed our way through a fair few rooms and we started to gather some treasure pieces and skills. We then came across a fork in the road which split the room cards, our very next room was a swirling vortex which we barely hesitated to jump through. This, in hindsight, was not one of our brighter ideas because it meant that half of the room cards (from the fork) would be destroyed and of course our final objective room was in this pile.

Third time was nearly a charm for us. This time we kicked the dwarf slayer out of our gang and brought in the Knight Questor with his big golden face! This proved to be a wise move because we smashed our way through the early rooms. Once again we came to the fork and once again we came to the swirling vortex. But we knew better and doubled back, casually swatting aside some Grots as we did so. In the next room we discovered a dreaded Ogroid, we took our vengeance from our first attempt, cutting him down with ease, but this one turned out not to be the final boss. The next room did actually contain the final boss Ogroid and filled with confidence we dived in. The Dark Elf started to take down the magic reviving mushrooms while the rest of the group took on the minions. We stunned the Ogroid but the Tzangors were taking a heavy toll. The Knight Questor was the first to fall but we had a revival potion in the hands of the Chaos Chieftain who had every intention of using it. Unfortunately our Destiny Dice decided that we had had enough luck and instead of allowing us to heal they brought in some Blue Horrors. needless to say our questing party bit the dust!

So after three attempts we still do not have the first piece of the amulet. Next time we are going to try some new heroes. Wish us luck!

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