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The Minds of Mechan.

Happy Wargaming Wednesday loyal Cob fans!

You've been waiting patiently for the next installment of our 40K narrative campagin The Taint of Mechan 44.

And we are pleased to announce that wait is over!


Mission 4: The Minds of Mechan is here!

We appreciate it's been a long wait and you're all eager to see how Lorentus, Sejanus and all their pals are getting on against the forces of Chaos on the despoiled planet of Mechan 44 and so don't waste any time in heading over to find out what happened in the next epic clash!

In this battle we see the two leading Psykers of each force going head to head for psychological dominance over the other! Chief Librarian Solace of 'The Bloodless' has been goaded into a private duel with his heretical counterpart the twisted Tzeentch Sorcerer Amon!

Find out what happened when they and 1000pts of their henchmen met in a glorious battle riddled with bullets, Powerfists and more Psychic Powers than you can shake a stick at! So go on, click on the picture of the dreaded Amon and get reading! We promise this battle report does not disappoint!

Happy Reading!

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