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Chosen of the Gods

Hello again for another Wargaming Wednesday.

Today we present you the freshest painted of all our mini's. The 40k Chaos Chosen.

Normally I paint my Chaos in a Dark Angel Green with a silver trim, a nod to both the forces of Caliban and the Alpha Legion, my two favourite legions. But I wanted the Chosen to stand out from the crowd, so i gave the armour a Bronze trim. This is alot darker which lends itself nicely onto my next change, the white masks on the Helmets. This ranks them alongside the Chaos Terminators and also lets us think that the Cultists are trying to copy this themselves. I stuck with the usual silver shoulder pads with gold trims and also blue powerfists and brown horns. But enough of my rambling nonsense, why not check out the pictures below and make up your own mind. Let us know what you think, would you do anything differently? I thought I maybe should have done the armour trim gold instead of bronze but decided against it because they looked too Loyalist? Do you agree? Let us know in the comments box below.

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