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The Chaos Lord Giveth

Here we go again! Another Wargaming Wednesday.

This time it's the turn of the Chaos Lord from the Dark Vengeance boxset. Yes thats right he finally got a paint job! He was painted in the same style as the Chaos Chosen so he could either lead them or be used as a member of the squad if I fancied some different weapon options. I gave the sword a wash of Drakenhof Nightshade which really picked out the faces screaming through the weapon, coupled with the crystals on the sword hilt it is my favourite part of the miniature. This is a very detailed miniature and was a real joy to paint. I hope you like him, check out the picks below and as always feel free to leave any comments or advice.

I would also like to take the opportunity to give you an update on Shoot 'em up! our home made wargame. We had plans to publish the rules and a characters pack or two around late July early August but with the release of the new edition of 40k we have decided to delay this for three reasons. 1, most wargamers will be playing new 40k and won't have time for anything else. 2, from what we have seen so far some of our rules are a little similar and we wanted our game to be unique. 3, my laptop has broken and getting access to some files is a problem and finding the money for a new one is going to take a while. These delays give us more time to re-write and re-design and hopefully come up with something better. As always let us know your thoughts and opinions.

See you next week for another Wargaming Wednesday.

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