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League of LOTR, Squad announcements part 1

Good day! Yes we're early but this is a special week, we have three posts coming at you, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each post will reveal two of the squads that are going to take part in our new tournament, the League of LOTR!

Each team is made up of 500 points worth of heroes and warriors from a particular faction. Each squad has to consist of at least one hero and can have no more than 33% of the models armed with ranged weapons. The match ups for each round will be drawn randomly so each list needs to be well rounded and should not be tailored to face a particular enemy. There will be 5 rounds of matches so each team will get to face each other in a different scenario. Each scenario will have a victory point system and this will determine the score that will be put into the League which will in turn determine the ranking order. having more victory points than your opponent will get you a 1-0 victory. having twice as many victory points will get you a 2-0 victory, having 3 times as many will get you a 3-0 victory etc.

We are really looking forward to this campaign, the memories and laughs that we will get whilst playing but most importantly the chance to settle some old grudges!!! One of those grudges will be revealed today, Elrond and Cave Trolls. The Elf Lord has always come out on top after a long drawn out scrap but this has usually ended up costing his side the battle. This leads us onto the first two teams: The Rivendell Raiders and Moria Heat.

Rivendell Raiders 170 - Elrond 80 - Elf Captain with Heavy Armour and a Shield 40 - Elf Warrior with Banner, Elven Blade and Heavy Armour 72 - 6 Elf Warriors with Heavy Armour, Elven Bows and Elven Blades 120 - 12 Elf Warriors with Heavy Armour and Elven Blades 18 2 Wood Elves with Armour and Elven Blades - 500

Moria Heat 40 - Goblin Captain with Shield 240 - 3 Cave Trolls 70 - 14 Goblins with Orc Bows 75 - 15 Goblins with Shields 75 - 15 Goblins with Spears - 500

As you can see we have two very different forces. The Raiders will have a Fight Value advantage over most their opponents and some very accurate archers will no doubt cause some damage, their obvious weakness though is that their high points cost means they will be outnumbered by most other forces. Elrond is a powerful warrior with a high defence (7) and 3 re-rollable points of Fate to use, the ability to use magic is especially useful and so is his ability to cause Terror to all evil creatures.

Moria Heat have clearly chosen the cheapest hero so they can squeeze in 3 Cave Trolls, which is a deadly combination for anyone to face. Alongside them sits a cool 44 Goblins which is more than enough to swarm any defence or objectives that they might have to claim. Moria Heat's major weakness will be their lack of Might Points, not being able to dictate the flow of the game through Heroic moves and the such could end up costing them dear!

Join us tomorrow when we will reveal the next two teams that are going to take part in the League of LOTR!

PS happy 4th of July to all of our American readers, have a good one!

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