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League of LOTR, Squad announcements part 2

Hello again! Welcome back for day two of squad announcement week. today we have another two teams that have just been put together and are training hard ready for action.

Remember each team is made up of 500 points worth of heroes and warriors from a particular faction. Each squad has to consist of at least one hero and can have no more than 33% of the models armed with ranged weapons. The match ups for each round will be drawn randomly so each list needs to be well rounded and should not be tailored to face a particular enemy. There will be 5 rounds of matches so each team will get to face each other in a different scenario. Each scenario will have a victory point system and this will determine the score that will be put into the League which will in turn determine the ranking order. having more victory points than your opponent will get you a 1-0 victory. having twice as many victory points will get you a 2-0 victory, having 3 times as many will get you a 3-0 victory etc.

We are really looking forward to this campaign, the memories and laughs that we will get whilst playing but most importantly the chance to settle some old grudges!!! One of those grudges will be revealed today, classic Rohan vs Isenguard. Uruk-hai and the Warriors of Rohan have crossed blades many times in our battles with the key to both sides being their weaponry, pikes for the Uruks and Throwing Spears for the Horse-lords. Also both teams will have a point to prove after a poor showing in the Champions League Tournament. This leads us onto the second two teams: The Rohan Royals and The Isenguard Oracles.

Rohan Royals 75 - Theoden with Heavy Armour and Shield 95 - Eomer with Shield, Horse and Throwing Spears 50 - Gamling 150 - 10 Riders of Rohan with Throwing Spears 117 - 17 Warriors of Rohan with Shields 10 - 1 Rohan Royal Guard - 499

Isenguard Oracles 60 - Lurtz 60 - Uruk-hai Captain with Heavy Armour and a Shield 75 - 5 Uruk-hai Berserkers 99 - 9 Uruk-hai with Crossbows 100 - 10 Uruk-hai with Shields 100 - 10 Uruk-hai with Pikes 6 - 1 Wildman of Dunland with a Two-handed Weapon - 500

The Royals are a diverse team, a strong mixture of cavalry and foot soldiers. Cavalry can capture objectives quickly and if they can get there then the foot soldiers can back them up. However to use Cavalry effectively in LOTR you need to win Priority at the right time and this could quickly sap the Might points of the Heroes. None of the Heroes are known for being tough guys but they can still cut through a group of warriors if they receive the right support.

The Oracles are literally a strong team, Lurtz and the Captain are both Strength 5 and nearly all of their warriors are Strength 4, throw in some Strength 4 crossbows and some Attacks 2 Berserkers and you have a deadly combination. Their weakness will lie in the lack of maneuverability, if they want to excel and use their pikes to gain an advantage then they need to stay in formation which will slow them down. Of course a lone Wild Man of Dunland (The Oracles plucky mascot!) is a modest man with his Defence of 3 (yes 3!) but he will no doubt carve a bloody path through each battlefield! We believe in him!

That's all for now folks. We'll be back tomorrow for the final two teams that will complete our lineup!

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