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League of LOTR, Squad announcements part 3

Hello again! Three times a charm! It's the final day of squad announcement week. Today we have the last two team lists and they are ready to fight!

Remember each team is made up of 500 points worth of heroes and warriors from a particular faction. Each squad has to consist of at least one hero and can have no more than 33% of the models armed with ranged weapons. The match ups for each round will be drawn randomly so each list needs to be well rounded and should not be tailored to face a particular enemy. There will be 5 rounds of matches so each team will get to face each other in a different scenario. Each scenario will have a victory point system and this will determine the score that will be put into the League which will in turn determine the ranking order. having more victory points than your opponent will get you a 1-0 victory. having twice as many victory points will get you a 2-0 victory, having 3 times as many will get you a 3-0 victory etc.

We are really looking forward to this campaign, the memories and laughs that we will get whilst playing but most importantly the chance to settle some old grudges!!! One of those grudges is the age old Gondor vs Mordor battle for Middle earth supremacy. Both sides have a wealth of different options to build a team from and we can't wait for the round in which the face off against each other. The Champions League of LOTR really taught us how powerful Boromir is and also that Gothmog should not be underestimated. This leads us onto the final two teams: The Gondor Giants and The Mordor Maulers.

Gondor Giants 105 - Boromir 75 - Faramir 55 - Captain of Minas Tirith with Shield 32 - Warrior of Minas Tirith with Banner 88 - 11 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Shields 81 - 9 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Shields and Spears 32 - 4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Bows 32 - 4 Rangers of Gondor - 500

Mordor Maulers 140 - Gothmog with Shield 50 - Grishnakh with Shield 100 - Mordor Troll 65 - 5 Warg Riders with Shields 30 - 1 Orc with Banner 48 - 8 Orcs with Shields 48 - 8 Orcs with Spears 18 - 3 Orcs with Two-handed Weapons - 499

The Giants have two major strengths. The first is that they have 11 Might points which puts them miles ahead of all the other teams. The other is their high Defence value which for the majority of Warriors is 6 and for Faramir and the Captain it is 7. However a downfall for this side is that in selecting a solid group of foot soldiers they have missed out on some other options such as rock hard cavalry, the Banner of Minas Tirith and of course Aragorn!

The Maulers are a varied force that have clearly tried to utilise some of everything in their arsenal. The only major thing that they have missed out on is the deadly effects of the Ringwraiths however the sheer physical presence of a Mordor Troll more than makes up for this! Gothmog's Master of Battle special rule should also be a massive thorn in the side of his enemys.

Okay that is all 6 teams declared and ready for action. We will be back next week with the scenario and the results of the first round of battles! Meanwhile check out the new page for League of LOTR

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