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Cob Wargaming: Birthday Bash and Hall of Fame!!!

Greetings Cobbers and a happy birthday to us!

That's rights folks it's our first birthday! We're both surprised and happy to have made it this far and we have had an absolute blast this past year.

At Cob we've been reflecting on the past year and thought we'd celebrate by sharing some of highlights with all of our army loyal Cobbers!

Below we have hand selected some of our favourite pictures from the eclectic mix of battles, scenarios, quests and contests that have taken part in our 2016/2017 season! Have a peruse and see if your favourite made it into our highlight gallery! Feel like we've missed one? Drop us a comment and let us know what your favourite picture has been!

After some heated debates and discussions, we picked our top three highlights from our battles this year!

In no particular order here are our top three highlights from our 2016/2017 season!

The Last Alliance.

One of our greatest (and most lengthy!) battles was to play out The Last Alliance scenario from the very first LOTR rule book. It took nearly all of our models to manage to cobble together a massive army of 240 orcs! The army of the Dark Lord featured Uruk's, Goblins, Easterlings and even the occasional Rohan warrior thrown in there to make up the eclectic mix of stand in Orcs!

The battle saw the two huge forces meet in the ultimate pitched battle that spanned two entire days! A solid part of the first afternoon was setting up and then merely the Orcs getting shot to pieces but when the two mammoth armies met there was a tabletop of sheer carnage! Fight phases lasted hours and sometimes had 50+ combats to resolve but there was never a dull moment!

In the final epic twist to the scenario, the game ended up being an ever so narrow victory to the forces of Evil! Sauron prevailed in the world of Cob and that somehow made the battle even more satisfying! Make sure you check out the Battle Report, it's well worth the read!

League of LOTR - Line-breaker

In our ongoing League of LOTR a big highlight from the series of battles was our Line-breaker round. This round was inspired by the Victory Point you can earn in 40K missions by having units in your opponents deployment zone, so it was very interesting to see it play out in a LOTR style competition!

The idea was to get as many points worth of models into your opponents deployment zone, and this lead to three games of sheer carnage! There were some meaty battles in the middle of the table, we had lowly Goblins taking on the mightiest Heroes...and we had the mightiest Heroes running for the board edge!

A particular highlight that sticks in our minds was the Isengard Oracles taking on Moria Heat which ended in the fearless and brutal Uruk-Hai sprinting across the board being chased by the wimpiest warriors going! We had Goblins flinging themselves in front of Uruk's left and right but sadly it was not enough, and those Goblin sacrifices were ultimately futile. But we'll never forget the sight of Lurtz and 2 of his Uruk friends being chased a good 24" inches across the board by a single Goblin! Check out the Battle Report here.

The Taint of Mechan 44 - No More Talk.

Our Taint of Mechan 44 campaign was a huge highlight of our 2016/2017 season and we enjoyed every part of it! It took a while to get going, we were using the campaign to re-introduce ourselves to 40k, but once it did it really was a great narrative campaign, we had some great confrontations and met and made some great Heroes!

However one mission stood out for us, and that was the No More Talk mission. This mission saw Chaos and Space Marines trying to escort saboteurs across the board to disrupt and destroy enemy communication lines. The battle had a great tactical edge to it, and had some incredible moments. It is where Chaos Space Marine Carnage earned his place in the Hall of Fame by forcing the mighty Terminator Captain Sejanus to turn tail and run after seeing one of his comrades face melt off!

The narrative campaign was accompanied by a written story, and in this mission we felt the story was developed even further with the introduction of Captain Nelson. Captain Nelson was a character who flirted with Chaos, a complex character who was not your average die-hard loyal Space Marine...In fact so important did he become that his story was the one that the final mission revolved around. This mission set in motion the final story in the Fate of Mechan 44 mission that would ultimately see Nelson fall to Chaos or become Sejanus' right hand man. It was a happy ending of course!

If you haven't done so already get yourself over to the Taint of Mechan homepage and get all of those battle reports read!

But let's not spend too much time looking back over an incredible year...let's also look forward to yet another one!

What big things can you expect from our 2017/2018 season?

The Race Through The Silver Tower.

Our ongoing Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower narrative campaign will be reaching it's conclusion! Can the mighty Company of Sigmar keep up the pace they've shown in the early stages and vanquish the Gaunt Summoner first? Or will the Trinity and the Traitor finally pick up the slack and cause an upset? We look forward to finding out!

Warhammer 40k: 8th Edition!

Of course we will get our Chaos and Space Marines armies updated and ready to play out another glorious campaign in the realms of 8th edition! Last time we had the Space Marines on the offensive...but as we've seen in 8th edition Chaos is on the rise and so no doubt we will see a Chaos invasion on some doomed planet! We'll have more battles, more story lines and new characters to meet. Stay tuned!

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

We've played through all of the Fellowship scenarios, and so a natural progression will be to play through the next 8 scenarios from The Two Towers rule book! We're very excited to get some sieges done in the Helm's Deep scenarios in particular and we're hoping that maybe the forces of Evil can cause another upset to the story line by conquering the castle instead of being ridden down!

We'll have loads more stuff as well, we'll be continuing with or LOTR league, our homemade games such as Conquest and the Wild Race and we may even dabble in some new games...some AoS? Some Fantasy? Some Necromunda? Who knows! You'll have to wait and find out...

Celebrate with Hall of Fame!

To commemorate our first birthday in style we recently opened our Hall of Fame! For more information check out our jazzy new page!

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