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Enemies in the Silver Tower

Look lively Cobbers! The enemies are closing in!

That's right folks it's another Wargaming Wednesday and we have finally gotten round to finishing off painting the rest of the models from the Silver Tower box.

First up is the Tzaangors. These six took forever to paint but luckily we love the miniatures! Their armour is so intricate and gives a great opportunity to practice painting your shiny metals.

Now for the Kairic Acolytes, they were painted in the same style as the Tzaangors to represent them fighting for the same force.

Now for the Chaos Familiars, these irritating little mites were actually really fun to paint, its not often you get to paint a fish with legs or a walking book!

Most of the above miniatures feature techniques used on our Top Tips: Waystone Green page.

The final miniature is a bit of a neutral party. The Skaven Deathrunner is by no means an ally of the Gaunt Summoner but cannot be controlled by the players. Because of this we decided to paint him in a slightly different style to the rest of the enemies. Check out his shiny blue armour!

That's all for this week Cobbers, let us know what you think over on our Twitter page, it's always nice to see what the wargaming community gets up to!

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